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Pairing intersectional feminism, technology and sustainability for a sustainable future – results from the Bits&Bäume 2022

This is the supporting material for our contribution to the Bits&Bäume proceedings 2022. When online, a link to the original article will be added.

Full round of participants proposing workshop goals

  • “How do we stay democratic?”
  • “How do we reach the goal of 1.5 degrees?”
  • “Is a social-ecological transformation in our current economic system possible?”
  • “How to make decentral projects planable and executable?”
  • “At which positions and with which institutions can we present, discuss and roll out system updates?”
  • “How to not leave the so-called smart city to the big tech companies but create a sustainable alternative?”
  • “Enable networking in the activistic spaces beyond Facebook, Whatsapp etc.”
  • “Show where IT and digitization help and where they hinder”
  • “Enable networking and create an overview of the fights world-wide“
  • “Integrate sustainability into the IT sector”
  • Sustainable IT provisioning/ Is sustainable digitization possible?
  • “Swindling biodiversity”
  • “Create a festival for renaturation”
  • “Support demonstrations against deforestation”
  • “Destroy blockchains/ end speculations, save energy.”
  • Feminist city planning based on mobility data
  • How to share and use personal sustainability data in a barrier free way?”

Requests to the Haecksen on a general level

  • “create more inclusive, easy to use tools for coordination of activist groups”
  • “block critical infrastructure“
  • “sensitization of adults for sustainability”
  • “transnational projects to close the digital gender gap”
  • “network with other groups e.g. Women of Mobility “

Contributations based on three sub-teams, drilling down on the three projects

Subset of Haecksen
Sustainable IT provisioning/ Is sustainable digitization possible?Feminist city planning based on mobility dataHow to share and use personal sustainability data in a barrier free way?
Intersectional thinkaton Projects: hackathons where Haecksen and other intersectional NGOs and people are invited create platform to enable projects to grow on the long-term Barriers: classes of information societal bubbles dogmatism distance businessNetworking between politicians and activists Publicity for platformsCrowd sourcing of data Advertise great sustainability projects such as the Austrian climate ticket
create homepage for the topic, who sells what, who is needed?Platform to collect mobility data and make it available
Hardware vs. software (identify common ground and differences ) create overview, aggregate and interpret dataCollecting current studies and projects to feminist city planning , create based on data concrete requests for politicsEvaluate data
makers, artists
Present and create new sustainable hardware componentsCollect existing studies and projects around feminist city planning and sustainable PC and hardware components Visualization in the public sphere (problematic paths/ places in the city) social mycelium – impulses by makers organize a festival around renaturation
System AdministratorsKeep shit running
Barriers: knowledge gaps around intersectionality, missing points of contact, missing dialogues, entry barriers into the world of digitization